It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

Sea turtle conservation
Research, protection & care

Important research
we are monitoring the behavior of sea turtles in our park
Our park plays an important role in the conservation of endangered sea turtles as the park provides
protected nesting habitat. Sea turtles return to the same beach as they were born, indicating the
importance of the protection of our sea inlets. 


What do we do?

Three species of sea turtles are known to lay eggs at in the park, these are the Hawksbill turtle, the
Loggerhead turtle and the Green turtle. The Leatherback turtle, the largest of the sea turtles, is no
longer nesting on Curacao. 

Carmabi researchers monitor nesting sea turtles activity in our park by regularly patrolling the pocket
beaches throughout the season. The nesting season runs approximately from May to December. 

Monitoring protocol follows the regionally set guidelines from the Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle
Conservation Network (WIDECAST).

Our research department is depending on funding and donations. Want to help out? 

You can support our research! 

Donate to help funding our research department to keep conducting
 vital Sea Turtle Research and Conservation!