If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.

Activities & Trails

When you’ve entered the park, you can drive straight up to the stunning Boka Tabla, where huge waves thunder into an underground cavern. Steps cut into the rocks lead you directly into the mouth of the cavern; you can sit on the very edge and watch the surf roll in. 

After you peek inside the cavern you can walk along the limestone bluffs above for a spectacular view of Curacaos rugged north coast. The inlets in the park are protected turtle breeding areas.

Hiking Trails

There are two hiking trails that will lead you to the beautiful hotspots in the park. However, it is also possible to get close to most of the inlets by car. The choice is all yours! Upon entering the park it is possible to purchase a map of the park to set out your route on foot or by car.

Boka Kalki - 
Boka Pistol

Boka Pistol Trail: includes a 1 hour walk leading through beautiful Boka Kalki.

Boka Pistol, where huge waves burst into the sky with gunfire like explosions and panoramic views from the flat limestone hills.

Boka Wandomi - 
The Natural Bridge

Boka Wandomi Trail: a 1 hour walk along rolling lava hills down to Boka Wandomi and the limestone bluffs to a natural bridge.

A short walk along the rugged north coast will bring you back to Boka Tabla.


Boka Pistol

Hear the shooting sound of the waves
pounding into the inlet.

Boka Wandomi

The natural bridge and limestone
buffs will amaze you.

Boka Tabla

See huge waves thunder into
an underground cavern.

Boka Kalki

Sometimes you'll see Sea Turtles
lay their eggs.